I have not been performing my Blogging duties! Half term and a rather manic week.
The Open Garden went well on Bank holiday Monday,despite the incessant rain. I couldn't help but be delighted to see it! What a lovely bunch of troopers ,I was so touched at the turn out. We are open next Sunday (If you could make it ) 30 gardens are open in Oundle -so pop along.
I had another film crew here in the week, not for `Love your garden` but Iv been told not to reveal what it is, blink and you might miss it style ,but such a laugh to do,will reveal all in September.
Another week and another wedding, lot of small table decorations on one table-quite the `thing` at the moment,fun to do. So lovely when couples are relaxed and easy to get along with,you just know they have the right ingredient for wedded bliss!