To buying SEEDS!! I carnt stop!
As follows- Cobaea (cup and saucer plant) wonderful climber
More.. Sweet peas Cupani -I have tons plants all ready to go in but what the heck ,can never have too many!
Sunflower Black magic (never grow yellow ones , as I hate yellow!)
Larkspur -white, lillac,deep blue
Cerinthe -I lost my plants in the winter
Panicum frosted explosion (best grass ever for cutting)
Salvia (clary)
Nigela hispanica
Nigela` mulberry rose`
Wild carrot
Cosmos -`purity `
Amaranthus `marvel bronze`
Rudbeckia `Cherry Brandy`
To name but a few!
Iv had the lurgie all week-Felt washed out, could not stop coughing-so gardening has slowed down. So rested in the hammock!