Congrats- to Stuart for winning the blog giveaway ....Not much competion!! Im chuffed a man left a comment .The blogs seem to be ruled by us lady folk (well the ones i look at!)
I'm a bit slow today. We went to a friends birthday bash. What a Brill eve... Danced all night with poppy even though she didn't know half the Golden oldies (80`s and Pogues tribute band called `The Dead Rabbits`s)
So nice to she her confidently bopping away (with no alcohol, unlike most 15 year olds now) We stayed well beyond the witching hour ,unheard of for me these days. Random picture today -The boots I wore when I got married (not into heels) Victorian ice skating boots ,blades removed.
I'm of vintage shopping tomorrow ,if the weathers not too bad and I'm feeling more energetic??